In 4 Steps: Repurpose your E-commerce Content as a Video

I am a writer, and am often required to create multiple content pieces for a variety of categories, social media platforms, and occasions. Although, I love my job, yet, sometimes, when there is a massive demand for content, to be crafted on a short deadline, things get really rough, making it difficult to maintain consistent quality.

In those weak moments, I don't forget to remember that the best content marketing strategy is to put Quality over Quantity.


Because, no matter which industry you belong to, creating huge chunks of mindless & mundane content will neither gain you followers nor will it serve you monetarily.


How to produce and push high-quality content consistently?

Simply by repurposing the video/textual content that you already have stored in your reservoirs!

Let’s start from the beginning.

What does Repurposing Content mean?

According to Neil Patel “Repurposing content is all about taking your existing great content and blog posts, and presenting it to a whole new target audience on a different platform.”

You might be receiving a good number of website visitors, however, if you want to be discovered by a larger & relevant user-base, you must prep up to tailor, renovate and repackage your existing content across the different social media platforms.

Repurposing video content helps you reap the full benefits of your content marketing potential.

Your ideal customer base hangs out on these social media sites, looking for the products and services you sell. However, as your brand is entirely missing from the social media scene or is perhaps visible but only to the extent of texts and images- and not videos- you are unable to take your e-commerce business to the next level.

This is why it is important to bring your video content out of its cocoon, repurpose it in a harder punch and set it live on the social media platforms that are most relevant to your business.

From there on, you can easily create and pin down your target audience, and build strategies to lure them inside your marketing funnel.

You and your teammates would already have invested a lot of time and energy into establishing the content pool that you own so far. And we at StoryXpress, can’t stand to see your pieces of brilliance wither away with time because we believe that good content is evergreen, and stays relevant throughout the year.

Here are 4 ways you could repurpose your e-commerce content:

·         Blogs

·         Emails

·         Infographics

·         Videos

For retailers, videos are of greater significance as visual content usually is more effective than texts or static images.

As per Forbes, 90% of consumers are of the opinion that videos help them understand a product better and make purchasing easier for them; 64% of people end up buying a product after watching a video about the same. Furthermore, 50% of prospects prefer watching videos than reading about it.

Now I can see that you have fully understood what repurposing content is and why repurposing should preferably be done using videos. However, I still haven’t told you about creating product videos in minutes, and how to do it at scale.

Repurpose your existing e-commerce content as a video with StoryXpress Creator!

Whether you are trying to promote a business, sell a product, explain a concept through tutorials or spread your brand idea, StoryXpress can help. Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert, all you need is this StoryXpress' creator tool, to spark life in your products and attract more consumers.

How to Videos?

1. Upload existing images and copy: Start with the Template. You can either customize the template according to your liking or can, choose from one of the templates that the Creator comes pre-loaded with. Once, the template is ready you can upload existing images along with their description.

2. Highlight key features: Highlight the important features of your products to immediately bring them out to your customers’ notice. If your video could quickly highlight the most delighting features of your products, buyers will not think twice before clicking on BUY.

3. Publish the custom video: The video is created and is all ready to be published. The good thing about videos is, they are more engaging than any other form of content and helps greatly in increasing your conversion rates.

4. Feel free to share anywhere: Before sharing make sure that everything is in place. Once you know everything is perfect, you can easily share them all across different social media platforms.

Product Videos made on Creator are short, crisp and effective, and can be used on the different social media platform, for increased traffic and better ROI.

You don't, in-fact shouldn't, repurpose every piece of content that you have; but only those that have proved out to be quite effective over a period of time.

If you want to tell us how you liked the blog or want to simply pour in your precious suggestions, write to us.