A company’s growth depends on many factors out of which one is surely how the sales team presents the product to potential customers. This particular factor helps for the revenue to flow in the company, further resulting in growth.

For each unique product or service, it is the responsibility of a sales representative to bring forth the strengths of the product and convey them to the customer. Which in turn helps them to solve the customer's problem. To do so, every Sales Development Representative (SDR) prepares themselves to come up with an extraordinary sales pitch that focuses on the key features and problem-solving ability of their product.

In today’s time when technology is advancing and video is taking over the sales and marketing communication, following are the data points that make marketers and smart sales pros choose videos:

  • Using videos in an email lead to a 200% to 300% increase in click-through rates.
  • Including videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • 50% of executives look for more information after seeing the product or service in a video

One-to-One videos enhance relationships between customer and service provider.

Keeping in mind the above-mentioned stats, it is quite evident that the sales team shall enhance their workings by adding videos to their process. Doing so will surely benefit both the customer and the service provider.

Following are the kind of videos that can be shared with the prospects for witnessing high conversion rates:

1. Prospecting to Reach the Right People

Prospecting to Reach the Right People

Let us start with the initial step of prospecting, where videos can surely act as a catalyst to boost revenues along with sales. This is the stage where the prospect is not at all aware of your product, thus, giving you a chance to present yourself in the best and unique way.

Each person on an average receives 10-15 business emails each day and keeping in mind their schedules, it is very difficult to grab the users attention. To get the user to open the email, is the first thing which is to be achieved. The content in the mail should be such it intrigues the users about the product and makes them buy it.

By adding a video to your prospecting email you can bring forth the curiosity and thus better responses to your reach out.

2. Qualify the Potential Sales Leads

Qualify the Potential Sales Leads

Next being qualification, it seems like an ocean of potential leads in the market but qualifying your leads is what is the most important. You don’t want to waste your time and energy chasing the wrong prospects. To know your prospects better and to make sure these are the people who match your ideal customer profile, there are some questions you need to ask the prospect.

These questions include: How big is the company? What industry are they in? Where is the prospect located? Which tools have they used in the past? What problems are they out to solve? How urgent is it that they solve the problem?

These can be asked by recording a short video that would help you know whether the prospect is actually qualified or you are just beating about the bush. Making it the next type of video which you can send, attached in the email. Responses to these questions shall give you as the service provider an idea of whether to hold on or let go.

3. Stand-out to be Considered

Stand-out to be Considered

Following this, comes the consideration stage where the prospect has converted to a lead and they would be evaluating other alternatives in the market and but at the same time is aware of your offering completely.

Consideration is a crucial stage because it's important to make the customer realize the strengths of your product. Nurturing them with customer success stories or giving them industry or product-related updates will surely increase the chances of their decision being in your favor.

Including a video, giving highlights of the new product updates or changing industry trends seems cool, right?

This will, of course, provide a personalized experience to them and help them build trust in you. However, the deal isn’t over yet! Not just yet!

4. Time to Reach the Ultimate Decision

Time to Reach the Ultimate Decision

By the time you are done with prospecting, qualifying and considering your leads it will be time for your leads to make a decision. At this stage, the buyer decides that your offering is the best for solving the problem. But, it’s not compulsory that he/she will start using your product right away.

As an SDR, it's time for you to identify the final barriers for the deal.

These could be: Is there anyone else who would take the final budget decision for the buyer? Has the prospect completely given up on the competitors? Etc.

In this stage, short videos explaining the product can be sent along with short questionnaires which can give the Sales Rep an idea of the above-mentioned questions. Thus, making the whole process interactive.

5. Ending up as Customers

 Ending up as Customers

At last, we have reached the end, where the deal is closed and won. Once the lead has been passed to the customer success team, they are shifted to the category of close.

For this step, you can record and send a nice video thanking your customer and introducing them to the customer success team. The customer success team will then take over and make sure that the customer is happy and satisfied with the service.

Read my previous blog to know more about how customer success teams can leverage videos and put them to best possible use.

Keep brewing videos!

If you want to know more about how the use of videos can level up your sales, book a demo right away.  :p

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