

The individual video analytics shows you the detailed video performance.

To view analytics of an individual video you can refer to the below steps:

1. Go to dashboard.
2. Go to the Videos option and select the video for which you want to view the analytics.
3. Select the analytics option on the right side of the thumbnail.

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Or you can open the video and click on ‘See Detailed Analytics’. 

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4. This segment is further divided into 3 parts:

  • StoryXpress Analytics
  • Social Analytics
  • Email Analytics



Views: Views are the total number of times a video has been watched. If you will notice carefully you will see the number of unique viewers as well.
Impressions: Impressions are the number of times a video has been viewed or displayed on a webpage.
Play Rate: Play rate is the ratio of the number of times a video has been played and the total number of impressions it has received.
Total watch time: Total watch time is the total duration for which a video has been watched.
Average watch time: Average Watch time is the average duration for which a video is watched, per view.
Engagement graph: It shows viewers’ consolidated engagement percentage every second, throughout the video.

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Overlay Response: It shows the responses received to the form added in the video. You can also download the response in a .csv file.

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UTM Source views: Ratio of views you are getting from different platforms where you have shared the links.
UTM Source Impressions: Ratio of number of times viewers have visited your video page from the shared different platforms.
Traffic Sources- Browsers: Gives you the list of various browsers on which your video is being viewed and data is stored along with the impression.
Traffic Sources- Operating System: Gives you the list of various Operating systems on which your video is being viewed and data is stored along with the impression.

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Traffic Sources- External:
Gives you the list of website sources from where the user landed to your video and data is stored along with the impression.

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Total email sent: Gives you the number of emails shared.
Total emails opened: Gives you the number of users that opened your email.
Total email clicked: Gives you the number of users that clicked your email