Best Chrome Extensions For Sales Professionals in 2023

It is not even the end of the month and our A-Grade Salesperson has already hit the target. Sitting in his favorite chair, wearing his favorite suit, he is busy vetting some more high-value accounts. Once in a while, every one in the office peeks into his direction, wondering how he manages closing deals so quickly & efficiently.

If you were to ask him about this little secret that keeps him at the top of his sales game 24*7, he will casually mention the long hours he puts into work, every day. But what he will never tell you, and we are going to spill out in this blog, is his long kept AWESOME secret: Top Google Chrome extensions for sales to optimize conversions right now.  

Download these Chrome Extensions for Sales to optimize conversions right now

Hubspot Sales

When it comes to the best google chrome extensions for Sales professionals, nothing is as good as the Hubspot Sales. Imagine finding everything concerning your client or concerning the company you want to do business with in one place! Their position, company name, contact information, social profile... you name it, you have it!

With just one extension, you have your best shot on conversions.

Additionally, it gives you detailed information on various business aspects that matter to you, thus, helping you make informed decisions quickly. It fills you up on all those little informational gaps that most sales professionals usually trip over.

That is not all! With Hubspot sales on your team, scheduling meetings becomes a cakewalk. In fact, you can track all the emails you send, learn everything about who opened your emails and from where, if or not they clicked on a given link in the email, etc.  

Download Hubspot extension for sales.


Every time, I receive an email with blatant grammatical mistakes gawking at me from a distance, I tend to ignore the entire content of the message. You know somebody didn’t put much effort into writing when they -> live (leave) <- common grammatical errors hanging in their emails.

For had they been vigilant enough, they would have acted smarter and installed Grammarly for composing responsible messages.

The same holds true for every sales professional out there. When you are writing an email to a prospect with the hope of making an unforgettable  impression on them, you can instantly kill the game by bombing them with a message, ridden with grammatical mistakes.

Whereas, the chances are that you know the English language perfectly well and couldn't frame a tight message simply because of a busy schedule.

Therefore, to get your email read and responded to, install Grammarly right away.

StoryXpress Recorder

When doing business, nobody wants to talk to a bot or to indulge in recurring chains of long emails. Customers want to talk to real people. People who could answer their queries and can express delight over all kinds of professional & personal wins.

This is why StoryXpress Recorder, StoryXpress’ screen & webcam recording tool, is a perfect sales extension to have on one’s team. It lets you record your screen and desktop simultaneously, and with ease.

Once the video with your narration is captured successfully, you can share it with a link in an email, across social media, on blogs ...or at any other platform that suits your business.

Imagine how great it will be to have StoryXpress Recorder with you when you are running out of time, and are expected to answer a busy prospect about something really important. Have a video pitch ready beforehand and send it to your clients while you are sitting in a boardroom, attending a meeting.

WiseStamp Gmail Signature Extension

The Gmail email signature extension by Wisestamp is one of those little extensions with a huge contribution that you wish you'd known about a long time ago. Using this extension you can easily set up a great looking email signature that looks like a professional designed it for you.

If you’re like most sales people, then you send out tens or even hundreds of emails every day. And with a Wisestamp email signature you are ensuring that you make a lasting professional impression. This extension saves you the hassle of designing, coding and even installing your email signature.

Wisestamp signatures also come equipped with Sales banners and built-in CTA buttons. This lets you set up your Email Signature Marketing channel, which is considered one of the most cost effective lead-gen channels.

Download the Gmail Signature Extension by Wisestamp


Rightly named, Guru, is a knowledge management Master that delivers everything you need at the time you need it. Unlike most knowledge management tools available out there, Guru isn’t about creating an enormous encyclopedia that is impressive to look at but is hard to skim through.

It is, in-fact, about creating an intelligent, accessible and interactive knowledge-center that fetches & drops any desired piece of information at the fingertips of users.  

You can be on any web-page, doesn't matter, as Guru will automatically drive the correct information you were looking for in your direction.

What is most interesting about this little magical tool is that it works within multiple applications.

In a company, work is usually spread out across different platforms such as gmail, Trello and slack. And so, it is petty natural that among all these different sources the major chunk of information gets lost.  

This is where your company will need Guru!  The brilliant knowledge management software integrates information spread across different applications, assimilates it with the knowledge available over the web and reproduces the entire solution in the most intelligent manner and in the most accessible form.

Download Guru now to make your Sales Smarter

Wrapping up..

If you are a sales professional looking to get the most out of every move you make, you should seriously consider downloading the above-mentioned chrome extensions. These sales extensions will help you manage your work smartly, present yourself better, emotionally click with the prospect and close the deal with brilliance.

Want to learn more about Google extensions that can help improve your browsing experience? Here is a brilliant article "25 Best Google Chrome Extensions and Apps of 2020" by Den Decker.